All shearbox assemblies are designed to fit the carriage of the Direct/Residual Shear Apparatus. They are supplied complete three porous plates, on retaining plate and a loading pad. The three sizes supplied comply  with the relevant requirements of BS 1377 and ASTM D3080. All assemblies can be used for quick shear tests or drained/residual shear tests. Optional accessories are available including specimen cutters and extrusion tools. The table shows the complete range of shearbox assemblies and accessories.

Shear Box Assembly 100mm Sq.

•Manufactured from corrosion resistant materials
•Sample size 100 x 100mm x 25mm high meeting BS 1377
•Incorporates PTFE faced box separation screws to reduce friction
•Supplied complete with upper and lower porous plates and loading pad
•Suitable for quick undrained or drained/residual tests.

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Shear Box Assembly 2.5 Inch Diameter

•Manufactured from corrosion resistant materials
•Sample size 2.5 inch dia x 1 inch height meeting ASTM D3080
•Incorporates PTFE faced box separation screws to reduce friction
•Supplied complete with upper and lower porous plates and loading pad
•Suitable for quick undrained or drained/residual tests.

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Shear Box Assembly 60mm Sq.

•Manufactured from corrosion resistant materials
•Sample size 60 x 60mm x 25mm high meeting BS 1377
•Incorporates PTFE faced box separation screws to reduce friction
•Supplied complete with upper and lower porous plates and loading pad
•Suitable for quick undrained or drained/residual tests

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