Our list of current Light measurement products are listed below. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact us and we will try our best to help you.

Solar Radiation Display and Integrator. for Use with Solar Sensors.

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Campbell Stokes Sunshine Recorder for latitudes 0-45 N or S. Includes 1 year supply of charts.

• Records duration of sunshine.
• Accurate measurements.
• Simple to use.

This instrument is used to record the duration of sunshine each day. The sun's rays are focused by a precision glass sphere onto a curved card. The intense heat burns a trace on the card. As the sun moves across the sky, so does the position of the spot across the card. If the sun is obscured by cloud then no trace is made. At the end of the day, the length, less gaps, is proportional to the duration of sunshine.

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Accupar Ceptometer with 800 mm Probe Datalogger and RS 232 Interface. Battery Powered.

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Digital Lux Meter

• High accuracy and wide range.
• Remote sensor head.
• Ideal for field work.

This portable lightmeter is for monitoring illuminance and gives a digital display in Lux. This simple to use instruments has only two controls; a power button and a range switch. It is ideal for field survey work and initial investigations.

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Light Measuring Unit (Luxmeter) with Sensor.

• Direct readout in energy units of visible light.
• Range 0 - 200 K Lux in 3 ranges of sensitivity.
• Use for siting of buildings, measuring light variations.

General measurement for human activities. The visible light is that part of the wavelength spectrum received by the human eye. The peak sensitivity is 555 nm for the adapted eye but with "dark adaption" a peak response is 507 nm. The ranges allow for readings between 0 - 200 K Lux.

The sensor has a cosine-corrected head, and the FET input circuitry of the cc measuring and display unit, preserves lineariry. The unit also incorporates dual slope integration with "auto zero" for A/D conversion.

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