• Heavy-duty, yet relatively lightweight for portability.
• Compact design with precise ball feed screw system.
• 16" (406 mm) diameter drill bit capacity.
• 17 hp gasoline engine with electric starter.

Thoroughly proven in years of service, this is a favorite core drilling machine for taking test cores in roads, runways and structures. The Portable Core Drill is used by paving contractors, testing laboratories, municipalities, highway departments and others.

This machine can be quickly and precisely rolled into drilling position on its wheeled platform or mounted on a van, pickup or trailer. The machine’s dead-weight base provides a very stable drilling platform which increases the useful life of drill bits and eliminates the need for anchor bolts.

The Portable Core Drill is supplied complete with drill stand, 17 hp gasoline-powered engine with electric starter and water swivel.

Portable Core Drill, 17 hp, gasoline engine

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